
Westies in Show

Information about dogs

Grossbritannien Deutschland

Miss Mazy Vom Lausitzer Eck

Female    * 09.01.2011

Pedigree NR: VDH/KFT 24/0050068
IK: 1.2063 %
AVK: 71.65 %
Complete Generations: 7

Starring Vladimir
*17.06.2007 FIN 48777/07
Brait Nouz Yukatan
FIN56489/8 (RKF 1637549)
Markstown Mr Havasu
KCSB 0500CQ/RKF 1567650
Charosmack Cristmas Craker For Cooley
Charosmack Clog Dancer
RN3069401 (KCSB 3103CJ)
Olton Aye Cloudy Day At Charosmack
*19.12.1996 KCSB 0378CI
Fireside Lass
*28.08.2000 KCR AB00896601
Kergilliack Konman At Crevamoy
Little Gem Of Lyle
Brait Nouz Tomorrow Ticket
*30.01.2000 RKF 1061311
Sonnyboy Of Jeryco
LOSH 739023
Caithness Panoply
*07.11.1991 NHSB 1803855
Sportsnight At Haweswalton
*21.01.1988 KCR N0990702N02
Funny Face Tiffin
RKF 52 (VDH/KFT 24/0032758)
Haweswalton Mr Sandman
*09.08.1996 NHSB 2050623
Haweswalton Sportsmaid
VDH/KFT 24/0018516
Starring Goody Two Shoes
*08.06.2002 FIN 42441/02
Krisma City Slicker
*15.02.1996 KCSB 0523CH
Wesscots Knight Challenge
*23.03.1995 KCR V4076401V03
Wesscots Knight Riot At Belle Vue
Wesscots Last Tango
Krisma Keynote At Olac
Olac Moon Pilot
*16.03.1986 KCSB 373BW
Lasara Hell Of A Girl
*19.03.1988 KCSB 0829BY
Vänden Nevada
*02.01.1998 FIN 13890/98
Alborada Garcihernandez
*18.07.1995 LOE 750881
Ashgate Clachnaharry
*11.10.1993 LOE 610678
Alborada Purest
*22.04.1993 LOE 567723
Vänden Eveliina
Raijaj No Waist Otime
Vänden Christal
Birdy Sue Vom Lausitzer Eck
VDH/KFT 24/0045216
Vallange Sailor Jack
VDH/KFT 24/0036666
Vallange Conquistador
*12.03.1993 KCSB 4113CE
Furzeleigh Celtic Lad
*22.05.1990 KCSB 1978CB
Furzeleigh Regal Lad
LOF 7715 (KCSB 1327BX)
Furzeleigh White Lady At Rishtte
*08.12.1988 KCR P1873805P01
Vallange Sol-Y-Sombra
*25.01.1992 KCR S1831301S02
Ashgate Leckie
*12.05.1986 KCSB 4610BW
Crookfields Masquerade At Vallange
KCR Q3109603Q03
Vallange Starlet
*04.06.1994 KCSB 1907CF
Ashgate Sinclair
*31.08.1990 KCSB 4628CA

Ashgate Sinclair
Ashgate Lenzie
VDH/KFT 24/0017777
Ashgate Sallachy
LOE 45400 (KCSB 793BX)
Ashgate Bleaval Of Fernforest
*21.04.1990 KCSB 1979CB
Ashgate Connel
LOE 448201 (KCSB 2846BY)
Ashgate Braw Bricht Lass
*28.09.1988 KCR N6565903P01
Rebecca Vom Lausitzer Eck
VDH/KFT 24/0040771
Lucky Star's Wait And See
VDH/KFT 24/0037645
Gwyndorgy Lunar Lord At Vallange
VDH/KFT 24/0037053Ü
Vallange Sailor Jack
VDH/KFT 24/0036666
Bouncing Bonnie Thistle
*26.05.1995 KCR V4611402W01
Fleetwood Fortune Cookie
VDH/KFT 24/0022425
Ashgate Knockando
*28.10.1992 DKK 27560/93
Fleetwood Fruitcake
VDH/KFT 24/0018311
Lucky Star's Zeline
VDH/KFT 24/0038709
Lucky Star's Moonfire
VDH/KFT 24/0031136
Lucky Star's Fun Fun Fable
VDH/KFT 24/0020783
Fleetwood Fortune Cookie
VDH/KFT 24/0022425
Lucky Star's Kentucky Queen
VDH/KFT 24/0028377
Trewen Tartan Ranger
VDH/KFT 24/0022964Ü
Lucky Star's Hell Of A Girl
VDH/KFT 24/0023925

Inbreeding Coefficient

Inbreeding coefficient in sum = 0 %

Ancestor Loss Coefficient

CntName Cnt x Generation
 2  Vallange Sailor Jack  (1x2, 1x5)
 2  Fleetwood Fortune Cookie  (1x4, 1x5)

Ancestor Loss Coefficient 96.77% at 5 Generations
Equivalent to 2 repetitions with 2 dogs of 62 possible dogs

14 Visited exhibitions

German Winner Show Leipzig, Messehallen23.08.2014Champion classV1VDHRCACRCACIB Nemanja Jovanovic
German Winner ShowLeipzig, Messe25.08.2013Open classV1VDHCACCACIBBOBGerman Winner M. Möller-Sieber
Internationale Rassehunde-Ausstellung Leipzig, Messe24.08.2013Open classV2RVDH Peter Würgatsch
KfT-AusstellungMittenwalde, Am Frauenbuschacker20.07.2013Open classV1VDHRCAC Paroci Pal
Internationale Rassehunde AusstellungLeipzig, Messehallen19.08.2012Open classV1VDHCACCACIB Bärbel von Kralik
Nationale Rassehunde-AusstellungLeipzig, Messehallen18.08.2012Open classV1VDHCACBOB Otto Kracl
SpezialausstellungNeumark am Albert`s Pöhl05.08.2012Open classV1VDHCAC Bärbel von Kralik
Rassehunde AusstellungMittenwalde29.07.2012Intermediate classV1VDHCACBOB Malgorzata Zakrzewska
Rassehunde AusstellungMittenwalde28.07.2012Intermediate classV1VDH Branislav Rajic
SpezialausstellungGornau17.06.2012Junior classV1JVDHJCAC Karel Horak
ErzgebirgsausstellungGornau16.06.2012Junior classV1JVDHJCAC Eva Letackova
Internationale Rassehunde-AusstellungErfurt, Messehallen10.06.2012Junior classV4 Kerstin Buss
Internationale Rassehunde-AusstellungDresden Messegelände Ostragehege22.04.2012Junior classV1JVDHJCAC Leos Jancik
Spezial-AusstellungDresden Messegelände Ostragehege21.04.2012Junior classV3 Heinz Watschinger

Last update : 15.01.2025    Last website change : 10.09.2024

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