
Westies in Show

Information about dogs

Grossbritannien Deutschland

Bellevue Jump The Gun

Male    * 17.07.2021

IK: 8.17303 %
AVK: 34.54 %
Complete Generations: 9

Krisma Jump Start
Brychdyn Diamond Geezer
Havasu Hey Dude For Swifdon
Markstown Mr Havasu
KCSB 0500CQ/RKF 1567650
Charosmack Cristmas Craker For Cooley
Fireside Lass
*28.08.2000 KCR AB00896601
Havasu Hoi Poloi
*31.10.2002 KCSB 1903CR
Brait Nouz Grasshopper
VDH/KfT/24-40205 (RKF 1199664)
Havasu Humber Lady
*01.12.1996 KCSB 3661CJ
Brychdyn Marquise
The Dashing Devil's Shotgun
*15.02.2008 NHSB 2691854
Bellevue Careless Spirit
*11.01.2002 NHSB 2375118
The Dashing Devil's Snapshot
*28.12.2004 NHSB 2539626
Brychdyn Kite Mark
Karamynd High As A Kite
*05.02.2003 KCSB 1768CP
Hopecharm Little April Dream
Krisma Handbags At Dawn
The Dashing Devil's Street Fighter
KCSB 2599CX (NHSB 2736567)
Krisma Streetwise
*20.01.1998 KCSB 1404CJ
Wesscots One Knight Stand
*05.08.1994 KCSB 3322CF
Krisma Keynote At Olac
The Dashing Devil's Snapshot
*28.12.2004 NHSB 2539626
Kergilliack Konstantine By Ashgate
*17.12.1996 NHSB 2075435
Wesscots Encore
*17.07.1998 NHSB 2225018
Krisma Whambam
Karamynd Play The Game
*22.02.2006 KCSB 0875CS
Bournehaven Birthday Guy
*19.07.1995 KCSB 1666CH
Karamynd Play To The Crowd
*05.02.2003 KCSB 1393CR
Krisma Trouble In Mind
*06.04.2004 KCR AE03178505
Kimgarwyn Fair Play At Lasara
*21.01.2003 KCR AD00737107
Krisma Home Alone
*20.08.2001 KCR AC01812501
Bellevue Blowing BubbleBocans Bolt To Bellevue
*10.02.2013 KCSB 1943CZ
Bocans Strictly Business For Whitebriar
Walk The Line Vom Deipen Brook To Krisma
*10.07.2010 VDH/KfT 24/49667
Krisma Spitnpolish
VDH/KfT/24-48880 (KCSB 4021CT)
Royal Diva Vom Deipen Brook
VDH/KFT 24/0043986
Bocans Hot Stuff
*06.03.2007 KCSB 0104CU
Bellevue Careless Spirit
*11.01.2002 NHSB 2375118
Bocans Black Pearl
*30.03.2004 KCR AE01651902
Bocans Fancy That
*30.01.2009 KCSB 2747CW
Karamynd Play The Game
*22.02.2006 KCSB 0875CS
Bournehaven Birthday Guy
*19.07.1995 KCSB 1666CH
Karamynd Play To The Crowd
*05.02.2003 KCSB 1393CR
Bocans Skies The Limit
*10.01.2006 KCSB 1860CS
Bocans Just 'f' Romance For Roxholm
*11.07.2004 KCR AE03402901
Bocans Black Pearl
*30.03.2004 KCR AE01651902
Gilbri Dream MakerThe Dashing Devil's Street Fighter
KCSB 2599CX (NHSB 2736567)
Krisma Streetwise
*20.01.1998 KCSB 1404CJ
Wesscots One Knight Stand
*05.08.1994 KCSB 3322CF
Krisma Keynote At Olac
The Dashing Devil's Snapshot
*28.12.2004 NHSB 2539626
Kergilliack Konstantine By Ashgate
*17.12.1996 NHSB 2075435
Wesscots Encore
*17.07.1998 NHSB 2225018
Gilbri Royal Sapphire
Bellevue Going Dutch With Pryorvale
Bellevue Careless Spirit
*11.01.2002 NHSB 2375118
Bellevue Caught 'u' Lookin
Wistonant Royal Ruby At Gilbri
Gilbri Talk Of The Town
*23.04.2001 KCSB 0924CM
Wistonant Wild Jasmin

Inbreeding Coefficient

Inbreeding too The Dashing Devil's Street Fighter mit 3.125 %
Inbreeding too Karamynd Play The Game mit 0.78125 %
Inbreeding too The Dashing Devil's Snapshot mit 0.39 %
Inbreeding too Bellevue Careless Spirit mit 0.39 %
Inbreeding coefficient in sum = 4.68625 %

Ancestor Loss Coefficient

CntName Cnt x Generation
 2  The Dashing Devil's Street Fighter  (2x3)
 2  Krisma Streetwise  (2x4)
 3  The Dashing Devil's Snapshot  (2x4, 1x5)
 2  Karamynd Play The Game  (2x4)
 3  Bellevue Careless Spirit  (3x5)
 2  Wesscots One Knight Stand  (2x5)
 2  Krisma Keynote At Olac  (2x5)
 2  Kergilliack Konstantine By Ashgate  (2x5)
 2  Wesscots Encore  (2x5)
 2  Bournehaven Birthday Guy  (2x5)
 2  Karamynd Play To The Crowd  (2x5)
 2  Bocans Black Pearl  (2x5)

Ancestor Loss Coefficient 77.42% at 5 Generations
Equivalent to 14 repetitions with 12 dogs of 62 possible dogs

11 Visited exhibitions

Bundessieger-Ausstellung DortmundDortmund, Westfalenhallen10.11.2024Champion classV1VDHCACCACIBBundessiegerKarin Shirley and Georgina van de VeenPhilip O'Brien
Herbstsieger-AusstellungDortmund, Westfalenhallen08.11.2024Champion classV3Karin Shirley and Georgina van de VeenMarie Hogarty
International Dog ShowMaastricht16.09.2023Champion classV1RCACCACIBKarin Shirley and Georgina van de VeenHarold Quigg
Spezial Doppel AusstellungAhlen, August-Kirchner-Str.12, Hundeplatz Wersepfoten20.08.2023Champion classV2RVDHRCACKarin Shirley and Georgina van de VeenMagdalena Kozlowska
Spezial Doppel AusstellungAhlen, August-Kirchner-Str.12, Hundeplatz Wersepfoten19.08.2023Champion classV2RVDHKarin Shirley and Georgina van de VeenKerstin Buss
International Dog ShowLuxembourg01.04.2023Intermediate classV1CACLCACIBBOBKarin Shirley and Georgina van de VeenHans van den Berg
Holland CUP - Int. Dogshow Rijnland with Crufts Q.Hazerswoude-Dorp18.03.2023Intermediate classV1CACCACIBBOB3.BIG, Holland Cup WinnerKarin Shirley and Georgina van de VeenChantal Kok-van der Horst
Martinidogshow ShowGroningen05.03.2023Intermediate classV1CACCACIBBOBKarin Shirley and Georgina van de VeenEnrique Mate Duran
Dutch Winner ShowLeeuwarden26.11.2022Junior classV1RCACJunior Winner,Best Junior Gr.3Karin Shirley and Georgina van de VeenGerda van Stuivenberg
Fryslan CupLeeuwarden25.11.2022Junior classV1RCACBest JugendKarin Shirley and Georgina van de VeenArne Foss
KfT SpezialausstellungAlsfeld, An der Hessenhalle 1, Hessenhallen09.04.2022Puppy classVV1Best Puppy In ShowKarin Shirley and Georgina van de VeenHarold Quigg

Last update : 15.01.2025    Last website change : 10.09.2024

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